

Welcome to the SMP Student Papers Site!

The papers posted are those recommended by faculty of training institutes of a student in a course they taught in which the student presented a paper that exemplified scholarship and understanding of the material of the class material.  They are presented in unedited form just as the instructor received them. The student's SMP profile is linked so you are able to respond and make any comments you wish.


Student Papers


Student: Junichi Torigoe                             Institute: BGSP
An Attempt to Discover the Unsayable Transference in the Psychotic Patient through Narrative of Countertransference
This term paper, written for the course on Transference, Countertransference and Resistance struck me at the time as an excellent example of bravery, open mindedness, and devotion to understanding. It stayed on my mind. I think a good student paper reminds us of the privilege it is to teach psychoanalysis. - Mara Wagner, Psy.D., Cert.Psya., Director of Admissions - Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis

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